Resting in Anticipation
“Bright Hope for Tomorrow” — Chapter 10 Reflection
Napping Verse Resting
Out of all the chapters in this section, I was most excited for rest. I thought to myself, I’ve got this in the bag! Naps have always been my jam. Rest is one of my strongest skills because I can nap anywhere at anytime. Though I can nap and find “rest”, I have to ask myself whether it is the type of rest described in this chapter.
The short answer is no. I often napped or “rested” as a way of a quick escape from whatever negative thing befell me. Now, I see that the type of rest we strive to achieve through our practice of a sabbath is of a much deeper relief than a quick 20-minute (or much longer) escape from reality. As the author states on page 146 “…Why do we allow the priorities of this passing life to hold us back from the pleasures of the life to come..”
Now I see that the type of rest we strive to achieve through our practice of a sabbath is of a much deeper relief than a quick 20-minute escape from reality.
A Soul Felt Rest
The type of rest explained in this chapter and found throughout scripture is a soul-felt rest. As Christians, our souls can let out a great sigh of relief as we reflect on Christ, his work, and the new creation. Although naps are enjoyable, do they bring any real relief to my soul? No, it doesn’t. That type of relief is found in the reflection and joy of Christ. So, let’s move forward more excited and more equipped to get the most out of our God-gifted sabbath.