“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.”
Luke 18:16
CCKid’s mission is to partner with families as they disciple their children to bring glory to God through loving Jesus and loving others.
Our CCkids ministry is available during both of our Sunday morning services: 8:30 am and 10:30 am.

Join the Team!
Are you interested in serving in our children’s ministry? Great! We are always looking for more loving and godly people who have a passion for helping the next generation meet Jesus and learn about the things of God. Please fill out the form below and our director will contact you right away.
What to Expect
To ensure all of our children are able to learn and grow in a safe environment, we ask all of our families and volunteers to check-in at a Child Check-In Kiosk before proceeding to their classrooms. If you are visiting for the first time, welcome! A Check-In Kiosk volunteer will be happy to assist you in getting checked-in for the first time.
Our Vision
CCKids seeks to partner with parents, to develop in children a love for the bible, a love for the church, and to create a safe and fun environment.
We believe the Word of God to be the authority in all our lives. Our curriculum takes the Bible and breaks it up into stories to be easily understood by each kid. We challenge and encourage our elementary kids to bring their own Bibles to church and to put scripture to memory.
CC Kids Director
Ashleigh McCartney
Ashleigh joined the staff of Canby Christian Church in April 2021 as the Kid’s Ministry Director. She grew up in Southern California and lived in the smaller town of Redlands. She gave her life to the Lord at the age of seventeen and discovered quickly her love for ministry.
In California, she served her local church in various areas from children’s ministry, to hospitality, and to leading a small group.
For her, working with children has always been a great joy, and she desires to see the CCkids ministry be a great resource for parents as they raise their children in the Lord. Her passion is to deeply know and love God and to lead others to also know and love Him.
The most rewarding thing in ministry for Ashleigh is the chance to be a part of the little moments when a person grasps the depth of God’s faithful character and watches them grow in their delight in Him.