Mission & Values
Our Mission
Bringing glory to God by loving Jesus, loving others, and making disciples.
Our Values
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers…And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42&47).
Like people, every church is different. Each church has its own culture and values that drive them as a community. Like every church, what we believe about God, the gospel, his church and the world around us informs and shapes everything that we do. Below is a set of basic and biblical values that we feel best describes our passions and pillars of church life. Our hope is that if someone asked one of our members to describe our church to them, these six areas would be at the top of the list.
We value the ministry of the Word of God. We strive to be people of the Book. We read the Scriptures, teach the Scriptures, and live the Scriptures. On Sunday mornings, the primary way we teach is expositional, carefully walking through a text of scripture to hear God's voice in the written word. All that we do flows from the ministry of God's Word.
Just as we hear from God through his Word, we desire to speak his Word back to Him in prayer. We value the ministry of prayer as the primary work of the church and having fellowship with God. We also believe that one of the greatest privileges of the church is the access we have into God's presence in prayer through Christ, which also gives us our greatest prerogative, to intercede for others in prayer.
We believe that people matter. Jesus died on the cross for his own glory but also because He loves people, and so do we. He died so that we would be reconciled both to God and one another. Thus, we value the relationships of one another in the body of Christ and the unity we have as believers. We strive to be hospitable, forgiving, gracious, and intentional in our relationships.
God created us to worship. In Christ, we are being renewed in our worship through the Spirit. Therefore, we value the passionate and heart felt worship of God that is done in Spirit and Truth. At our church gatherings, we sing, we praise, we lament to God's glory. We also believe that worship is more than just the songs we sing; it is an orientation of life where all things are done to the glory of God.
We value the ministry of every saint in Christ for ministry in his church and beyond. All believers possess spiritual gifts for service of the church and leadership exists to train and equip saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). We also desire to serve one another through generous, sacrificial giving that is not based on set percentages, but on the believer's heart response to God's mercy and grace and tangible provision.
We believe that the church (both local and global) is God's strategy for reaching the world with the message of Jesus. Therefore, we value the work of mission and evangelism. All may not be “gifted” evangelists. But all are called to do the work of fulfilling the great commission as disciples making disciples.