“On Healthy Church”
Podcast Series
Episode 1: Series Intro
This is the introductory episode of a podcast series we are calling “On Healthy Church.” We're discussing our philosophy behind how and why we do church the way we do it at Canby Christian Church.
Episode 2: Expositional Preaching
This week we tackle the first of 9 Marks of a Healthy Church, Expository Preaching. What is it? Why is it the best method? Is it the only way? Join the conversation and feel free to send comments or questions to office@canbychristian.org
Episode 3: Gospel Doctrine
Join us as we discuss Gospel Doctrine and how we emphasize its importance at Canby Christian Church. Make sure you go back and listen to the other episodes in this ON HEALTHY CHURCH series as each builds off of the one before.
Episode 4: Conversion & Evangelism
Continuing in our summer series on our philosophy of the church, we discuss how and what it looks like to be truly converted to Christianity. It's as simple as having faith in Jesus, but Christians are often confused about what that actually means. Let's go to the Bible for our understanding.
Episode 5: Church Membership
Listen as we discuss what it means to be a member of a church and how we do it here at Canby Christian Church
Episode 6: Church Discipline
Join the discussion around our 5th mark of a healthy church, Biblical Church Discipline. The pastors discuss why we do it, how we do it, and what the main objective is when we do it.
Episode 7: Discipleship & Growth
Listen in as we discuss Mark 6 of a healthy church, A Biblical Concern for Discipleship and Growth. We'll define discipleship and discuss how it plays out specifically at Canby Christian Church.
Episode 8: Church Leadership
This week we discuss what Biblical Church Leadership is. It's obviously not simple to apply a first-century church's leadership structure to our church today. But seeking to understand and apply the truth we find in scripture pays dividends in creating a healthy church culture.
Episode 9: Practice of Prayer
In this episode, we talk about the role of prayer in our corporate worship service primarily, and also ways that we ought to emphasize a thriving private prayer life.
Episode 10: Practice of Missions
We've arrived at mark 9 of Mark Dever's book 9 Marks of a Healthy Church. Join our discussion on Missions and what we are currently thinking about in regard to missions at Canby Christian Church.