One to One Bible Reading
Reading the Bible One-to-One
One of the discipleship strategies our church focuses on is One-to-One Bible Reading. This strategy is explained in David Helm’s book, One-to-One Bible Reading: A Simple Guide for Every Christian, which he describes like this:
Imagine if there was a way that people could grow in their knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ‚ a way that returned gospel growth to the everyday fabric of personal relationship, rather than relying on church-run programs. That guided people in a deeper, more meaningful way than an event, program or class could possibly do‚ guided on an individual basis by someone who cared for them personally.
What is this way? What is this activity that is so simple and so universal that it meets the discipleship needs of very different people at very different stages of discipleship, even non-Christians? We call it reading the Bible one-to-one.
Getting Started
The way we put this strategy into place in a practical way within our church context is simple. If you know a person, or even a few individuals, in the church that you would like to partner up with and study through the Bible alongside then simply have a conversation with that person, and set up a time to meet regularly (2-4 times a month is a good start). Then pick a particular book in the Bible to read through, and download one of the printable PDFs provided by Mathias Media that matches the genre you are studying.
Not sure about the genre of a particular book of the Bible? Checkout out the Biblical Genre Guide for help. If you would like some suggestions about this process or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for some help.
What if I don’t have a Bible reading partner in mind already?
If you don’t have anyone in mind to meet up with, we can help you connect with someone. Click one of the options below & fill out the short questionnaire. We will connect you with someone else who would like to invest time in reading the Bible one-on-one with you.
One-to-One Bible Reading Discussion Guides
Below you will find links to short study guides that feature discussion questions specifically designed to help you dig deeper into each genre found within the Bible. These Bible reading tools were developed by David Helm and Mathias Media to be used in one-to-one discipleship & Bible reading. Feel free to print them out at home or contact the church office if you would like to get some printed materials from us. If you are not sure which genre a particular book of the Bible fits into, checkout our Bible Genre Guide.