Outreach & Ministry Partners
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded…"
Matthew 28:19-20
Beyond just the ministries that take place at Canby Christian Church, we also support a variety of other ministries within our local community and around the world. We believe as a church, we should support these ministries just as we support each other as the body of Christ for the good of discipleship and the mission. While the list below is not an exhaustive list of organizations we support, it represents ministries that our church partners with both financially and prayerfully in our mission of making disciples.
The Canby Center
The Canby Center is a growing, faith-based, service oriented 501c3 nonprofit with a unique model which seeks to engage clients in their own growth as they are surrounded by a loving community. Their programs are growing through expanding partnerships with local churches, service clubs, donors, and The Canby School District.
The focus of TCC’s vision is to provide poverty-alleviating, dignity-strengthening programs for youth and families. They seek to inspire learning and life-change with powerful mentoring programs and energizing life skills education.
Africa Renewal Ministries
Under Pastor Peter’s leadership, Africa Renewal has grown to seven affiliated ministries that impact more than 30 communities across Uganda. Together, through the combined efforts of the team and countless volunteers, donors, and sponsors, Africa Renewal has planted more than 650 churches, trained over 2,700 leaders, and sponsored 15,000-plus children. Their aim as a ministry is to help children have access to education, medical care, leadership training and spiritual discipleship, and help young adults earn advanced degrees. Pastors are also receiving theological training and are able to care for their church congregations and beyond.
Pregnancy Care Center of Canby
Pregnancy Care Center of Canby provides accurate & helpful information in a compassionate environment, to empower life-affirming choices that change lives. All of their services are at no cost to the families seeking support. The center provides adoption agency information and referrals, maternity & infant supplies, medical referrals, parenting education, post-abortion support, pregnancy options information, pregnancy tests, STD/STI information, support for men, and onsite ultrasound where applicable. They offer abortion information but they do not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control. Click the link below to find out ways you can get involved in this important ministry.
Go Inc Missions
Go, Inc. exists to challenge and empower youth and adults in reaching the world for Christ through short-term mission trips and provide experiences where they will be challenged to grow in their Christian walk, share their faith, and serve others in the name of Christ.
Renewed Heart
Renewed Heart’s mission is to help the hurting find healing, one person at a time. Renewed Heart’s purpose is threefold:
Providing direct referrals to vetted christian mental health professionals.
Hosting workshops, conferences, and seminars to educate and strengthen the mental health community.
Fostering connection between people to build mental health.
Click the button below to learn more or connect with a Christian Counselor in their network.
The Connally Family
The Connally family is currently involved in long-term missionary work in Peru in partnership with SIM. They are focusing on Bible translation and gospel proclamation in the native languages as they build cross-cultural relationships through providing no-cost dental procedures.
Our church supports them through continual prayer, direct financial contributions, and sending small missions teams to assist them periodically.
To learn more about the Connally’s work, watch a short video HERE.
Simeon Trust International
The Charles Simeon Trust exists to promote the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by training up the next generation of Biblical expositors. It is their conviction that the health of the Church depends on the proclamation of God’s Word. It depends on the proclamation of preachers and teachers who believe the Bible to be the very Word of God, and the expositional ministry that flows from that proclamation.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Canby
Go,The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives…one heart at a time. Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.