What to Expect
No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, our hope is that our Sunday Gatherings will be a place that you can engage with God, have your questions answered, and be exposed to the life-changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We currently have two Sunday morning services at 8:30 am and 10:30 am that runs just over an hour. Kid’s programming is available during both services. The purpose of our gatherings is to equip believers for the work of ministry and expose non-believers to their creator and savior Jesus Christ. We do this by singing a blend of traditional hymns and modern worship songs, praying corporately with and for one another, greeting one another, learning from God’s word through expositional preaching that is relevant for us today, and weekly participation in the Lord’s Supper. Occasionally, we also celebrate with those who commit their lives to Christ through the ordinance of baptism. After the service is over we also encourage you to stay and hang out in the fellowship hall, grab a cup of coffee and visit the information center.
Our church doesn’t have a strict dress code. For some, Sunday morning is a time to dress up a bit. For others, it’s a time for casual wear. Please come dressed in a manner that suits you. We care infinitely more about who you are rather than what you’re wearing.
Our services are recorded and available online if you need to stay home and cannot make it to the in-person worship gathering.
Canby Christian Church is an independent, nondenominational church that strives to be a place where people can gather together to worship God, grow in their faith and experience a genuine Christian community.
Bringing glory to God by loving Jesus, loving others, and making disciples.
Find out more about our vision and mission by selecting the buttons below.
Available during both our 8:30 am & 10:30 am Sunday services.
CCKid’s mission is to partner with families as they disciple their children to bring glory to God through loving Jesus and loving others.
The way we achieve our mission is through partnering with parents, developing a love for the bible, instilling a love for the church, and creating a safe and fun environment. Our curriculum takes the Bible and breaks it up into stories to be easily understood by each child. We challenge and encourage our elementary kids to bring their own Bibles to church and to put scripture to memory. In addition, we strive to create an engaging and fun atmosphere that develops in kids a joy and love for the church in a safe environment overseen by volunteer leaders who are both qualified and trained.
Our kid’s ministry features class options for children from birth - 6th grade. After being checked in, children can be dropped off by a parent at their respective classrooms for the entire duration of the main service.
Immediately following service, Canby Christian team members are available at the Information Center to answer your questions and connect you to our church. Please swing by and say hello.
We’d love the opportunity to meet you!
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am & 10:30 am.
We are located at 444 N Holy St. Canby, Oregon 97013