Church Blog

Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
What should we as Christians think about cultural, national, or religious holidays and celebrations? Should a Christian celebrate Halloween? What about other holidays that are observed in our society like Thanksgiving, Independence Day, or Veterans Day? These are essential questions for us to consider as we navigate being both in the world but not of the world (John 17:14).

The Danger of Santa Claus
As a kid, I can still remember my parents and grandparents yelling out the phrase, “If you don’t behave Santa won’t bring you any presents on Christmas.” Is this a good way to teach our children to make good choices? Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing inherently wrong or sinful about watching or reading the heart-warming stories about Santa Claus, his magical elves, or flying reindeer. In fact, these stories which have developed into a fun and fantastical mythology have their origin in the real generosity of a third-century Christian man named Saint Nicholas of Myra. The story of Santa can be very entertaining and even promote good moral decision-making, but there are several problems that arise when we present the fairytale of Santa Claus as factual and then use that story as a means to disciple children.