Church Blog

“Death by Minutiae”
Nathan O'Brien Nathan O'Brien

“Death by Minutiae”

“The age of connectedness is the age of loneliness. The age of productivity is the age of burnout.” The author James makes this seemingly absurd statement in the 8th chapter of his book. These statements about the internet are seemingly contradictory in their nature. How can we have a time of being the most connected to others, and yet people are feeling the most alone? How can we have a time where we can have so much power and ability to get things done, and yet people are falling and failing even faster and getting less done. How can the internet promise so much, and yet produce such tragic results? …

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“The Dark Side of the Web”
Robert McCartney Robert McCartney

“The Dark Side of the Web”

I found out recently that I belong to a micro-generation known as Xenials. Which means I had the good fortune of wrestling with my adolescence in a time when pornography was not very accessible. It was out there of course, and I was exposed to some of it in my youth, but it had not saturated my cultural experience the way it has for many born after me. Now, the internet, and for that reason, explicit images and videos, are nearly omnipresent. In this chapter of Samuel James’ book, he turns his attentions to one of the great social & spiritual problems of our time: pornography…

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