Facility Use Request Form
As a congregational church, we believe that all the facilities that the church owns do not belong to any one individual or even a leadership group. Our church facilities are owned by the members who call Canby Christian their home. As such, the leadership of the church can make the facilities available for the use of church members in accordance with our church’s policies.
Facility Use Regulations & Agreement
Please read carefully through the following regulations , and then complete the form that follows.
All events must be scheduled and approved by the Office Manager, and the request will not be approved until the facility request form is completed in its entirety.
If the contact person changes, please notify the church office.
The person submitting this Facility Use Request Form will be held responsible for seeing that all of the following regulations are followed. This person and the using group will be held accountable for any damage or loss incurred during use.
Canby Christian Church may occasionally have a need to move a regularly scheduled meeting to another location in the building. If this need arises and a facility change is required, your contact person will be notified.
The use of rooms, tables, and chairs is included in the use of the building. Any and all additional requests require further authorization from church staff. Please contact the Office Manager for more details. Please turn off heat and lights in all locations used at the conclusion of your event.
Please close any windows that have been opened. In the event of damage to church property during the use of the facilities, the applicant shall pay for such damage as is determined by the church in its sole discretion. Any deposit paid by the applicant shall be applied to any such damage, and the applicant shall be responsible for any balance thereafter.
Applicant agrees that the obligation for any and all medical care shall be the responsibility of the individual and/ or group, and the cost of medical care shall be paid by that individual and/or group.
Approval for use of facilities will be limited to agreed upon date and times. Approval for an event does not guarantee approval for future events. Alcohol, dancing, and musical groups (other than Christian bands) are not allowed on the church campus.
Use shall be limited to facilities and equipment requested and approved through the Facility Use Request Form. All other facilities and the church office areas are off limits. Use of the Worship Center sound system as well as the Youth Center sound system, main lighting control board, and computer equipment requires qualified Canby Christian Church personnel to be present. If this has not been requested, use of these areas is off limits.
The applicant is responsible to provide adequate adult supervision for children and youth at all times. Unless otherwise notified, the applicant shall be responsible for set-up and tear-down. Making sure all used areas are set to how they were prior to your event.
Decorations will be allowed as long as they do not deface the facilities. Balloons are NOT allowed in the Worship Center, but may be used in the Youth Center, or Fellowship Hall IF they are weighted. Pins, thumbtacks, etc. should not be used on walls. (See office manager for more information). Nails, paint, or tape are not to be used on walls. Current classroom decorations should not be disturbed. Use of candles is prohibited. User will provide their own food service supplies. Use of kitchen does not mean use of kitchen supplies unless approved by the office manager.
Exits, entrances, and public hallways must be kept free from obstructions at all times. Exterior doors are not to be propped open and should remain closed at all times. Smoking is prohibited inside the church building and within 25 ft. of exterior entrances.
Please report, in writing, any damage or leaks immediately, whether resulting from use or previously existing.
Please ensure that all trash is properly disposed of using appropriate containers with trash bags. If instructed by the office manager, full trash bags should be removed to the dumpster located at the southeast corner of the parking lot.